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Цвет года и люди. Творческие.

Есть рама
Подпись на лицевой стороне
Подпись на обратной стороне
размер: 15x10x2 см
Материалы: Акрил, пастель, карандаш, смола, холст на картоне
Вид: Живопись
Стиль: Абстракционизм
Сюжет: Современное искусство
The presented work is one of 12 works of the series "People and the color of the year". The series is a pictorial collection of people's characters. Each of the compositions is special and has its own characteristics. Abstract style, using a modern approach with the use of sculpture techniques in drawing allows to show the influence of the environment on people. The series explores the question: Does the essence of a person change in interaction with the environment?

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