The height is 46 cm.
The work “Ark” is a horizontally arranged human figure with a strongly curved back and a hypertrophied thorax.
Horizontal outgrowth (ribs\ hands\ tentacles) attempt to embrace and protect the inner cavity by developing the idea of self-preservation.
The “live” texture at the bottom of a bloated breast shape pushes into associations with the bubbling cauldron, embodying a variety of natural processes.
The title of the sculpture, “The Ark,” by my design, should refer the viewer to a biblical plot about the universal flood and the Old Testament Noah's Ark. Developing this plot, I came to a combined image involving elements of the human body and ship.
Such a plastic decision — the man's ark — indicates that man himself (and everyone alone, and all of humanity as a whole) must take responsibility not only for preserving his integrity, but also for preserving life on the planet.
I take my work as a sketch of a larger work.