“Milan quarantined”
The author's work based on photographs from his personal collection made on one of his trips to Milan.
Hidden behind noise bands and deserted Victor Emmanuel II Gallery -
a sign of utopia of what is happening, and the black figure at the centre is tragicality.
In the top image is a touch of the cathedral, the Milan Duomo.
Pink background is the color of Italy, dolce vita, dolce far niente. Love and juice.
And green dots? It's easy to guess what this symbol stands for. The virus itself.
In this work, fear and faith, eclecticism of emotions, utopia of the events of 2020.
The author believes that the plot will soon lose relevance in real life and remain in the past. Believes that this picture will soon be looked at in a public place without a mask. And don't jerk off on a sneezing man.
And the work uses canvas printing and acrylic.