Piskun Tatyana

Piskun Tatyana



Татьяна Пискун родилась 5 июля 1977 г. в г. Пинск, Беларусь. В 1999 закончила ВГУ им. П.М. Машерова, художественно-графический факультет. Участник республиканских международных выставок с 2000 года. С 2003 по 2013 - член секции молодых художников Белорусского Союза Художников, витебского отделения.


Republican exhibitions (Palace of Arts, Minsk): 2000 - "New Names"; 2003 - "An hour is not an hour and not a chakae"; 2004 - "Padarozhzha"; 2006 - "Dazhynki"; 2011 - "Kalyadny Fest"; 2012 - "Youth - 2012"; 2015 - Palanez; 2017 - "Autumn Salon with BelGazPrombank - 2017". International art projects: 2007 - "GLEINA" Vitebsk, Davgavpils, Minsk; 2008 - "Legs of the XXI century" Chateau de Ro, France. Regional exhibitions: 2002 - "Live Vitebsk" ,Vitebsk, Daugavpils; 2003 - "Spring 2003", Vitebsk; 2007 - "Artifacts", Vitebsk; 2010 - "Belarus Falls to White Wings" ,Vitebsk. Collective exhibitions: 2003 - Exhibition of the association of artists "White Circle", art center of Marc Chagall, Vitebsk; 2013 - "Two in One", a joint exhibition with Ivanov I.V. Polotsk; 2014 - Exhibition of teachers of the Children's Art School in Polotsk, Riga; 2018 - "Teacher and students" Project V.A. Lyakhovich, Vitebsk; 2019 - "Abstract", project by V. Vasiliev. Personal exhibitions: 2017 - "Presentiment of Spring" Polotsk; 2021 - "Symphony of Color" Novopolotsk, Polotsk.


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