Acqua alta (it. - high water) happens in Venice up to a hundred times a year, usually from October to March. Tides, rain and winds (warm from the south, driving waves to Venice or cold from the Alpine mountains) are the causes of this phenomenon. Already with water rising 1.23m, half of the city finds itself flooded, and when the level rises by 1.3m, about 60 per cent. San Marco Square, one of the lowest points in the city, is the first to be underwater. On February 4, 1966, the worst flood in Venice's history occurred. The water rose nearly 2 metres. In November 2019, the second highest water rise in the city's history was recorded - at 1.87 metres. Recently, floods have been learning. In addition, the city is going under water due to a general rise in ocean water levels and lower ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates. The Adriatic plate on which Venice sits “tightens” under the European one on which the rest of Italy is located. Specialists estimate that compared to the landscapes of Bernardo Belloto (18th century), the city dropped by about 76 cm. In the picture, the water level is higher than normal by 4-5 meters. Being premonided or experiencing disaster helps if not avoided, then prepare for tragedy. Recognizing the worst option allows you to see the possibility of a negative development, to be ready to meet it. But there is also hope for a positive option. In the sky, a rainbow. The rainbow is mentioned in the Bible: God created the rainbow as a symbol of his Covenant with people. “I supply my covenant with you that all flesh shall not be more exterminated by the waters of the flood... I presume my rainbow in the cloud, that it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and between the earth.” (Gen. 9:11-13) Rainbow rises to the sky from Santa Maria della Salute Church. The construction of this temple (Arch. -Baldassare Longhena) started in 1631 in thanks to the Virgin Mary for ridding the city from an epidemic of plague that claimed the lives of a third of the city's population. Reflecting this unique city in the water doubles its beauty. Unweather passes, the sky is clear. Hope emerges. Pope Francis recently said: “... let's think about when what happens becomes a memory... and we will love all the things that have seemed for granted until today, and we will appreciate every second.”