According to one survey conducted among men, when choosing a spouse
the four most important qualities are beauty, wisdom, kindness and fidelity. Beauty
(PULCHRITUDO) “Si modo pulchrum est totum, partes quoque esse formosas: non enim ex turpibus constat
pulchrum” “Meanwhile, if the whole is fine, the parts must be beautiful, for it cannot
beautiful to consist of unimaginable parts” Dams (3rd century) The attributes of beauty are paradise
bird and red color (by — Russian red=beautiful) Wisdom (SAPIENTIA) Liber Proverbiorum,
Chapter 14:1 “Sapiens mulier ædificat domum suam; insipiens exstructam quoque manibus destruet” “Wise wife
will set up his house, and the stupid will destroy it with his own hands” Book of Solomon Parables —
owl and gold color. King Solomon asked God for wisdom and received it and other earthly goods.
Kindness (BONITAS) “Nihil tam populare quam bonitas” “Everywhere there is a person, there is an opportunity for
good” Seneca (1st century) Attributes are pigeon, green color. Loyalty (FIDELITAS) “Fac fideli sis fidelis”
“Be faithful to one who is faithful to thee” by Titus Maccius Plautus (32nd centuries BC) Attributes are swan, blue color.